
Physical Therapy Program Elevates Hands-On Learning with International Clinical Rotations

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Benjamin Surman (top row, second from right) with his colleagues at the clinic in Umbertide, 意大利. 图片由博士提供. 朱莉·法恩曼,物理治疗项目博士.

4月9日, 2024 -为学生提供全面的, 实践经验是bet亚洲365欢迎投注的标志 物理治疗博士(DPT)计划. Completing a clinical rotation abroad in pursuit of the degree adds even more depth to this educational approach.

有了这个独特的节目, DPT students can choose to complete one of their final 10-week clinical rotations internationally, 提供机会,以提高他们的临床技能, 文化能力, 个人成长.

Benjamin Surman, who graduated in December 2023, completed his final rotation in Umbertide, 意大利.

“这次在国外的轮转在很多方面帮助了我. I got hands-on experience with a new patient population with different cultural beliefs while being exposed to different treatment ideologies,本说。.

2006年开始, international rotation opportunities have now expanded to four countries: 意大利, 瑞士, 卢森堡, 和英格兰. 实习由健康教育公司提供便利 EduGlobal.

The abroad opportunities build on a curriculum spanning 36 months of classroom and clinical work, in which Marist DPT students benefit from small class and lab sizes, 还有10:1的师生比例, 确保专家教师的个性化关注.

“Many DPT students start with a specific patient population in mind, but I urge them to use their clinical education to explore diverse opportunities, 设置, 病人类型,”医生说。. Julie 法曼, Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Education. “International rotations prepare them to treat patients of all ages and in various care 设置, offering a unique chance to step out of their comfort zone and experience diverse healthcare approaches, 与bet亚洲365欢迎投注的“广阔的社会.'”

玛丽。史密斯, 2022年毕业于DPT项目, 她在一个叫菲耶索莱的小镇完成了最后一次轮班, 在佛罗伦萨附近, 意大利. She described her decision to apply for an international rotation as a chance to fulfill her desire to see the world while pursuing her degree. Mary found the experience to be transformative, both personally and professionally.

Image of 凯利Boonie (left) and 玛丽。史密斯 (right) standing in front of the entrance to their clinic in Fiesole, 意大利.
凯利Boonie (left) and 玛丽。史密斯 (right) standing in front of the entrance to their clinic in Fiesole, 意大利. 照片由玛丽·史密斯DPT '22.

"Nonverbal communication is such an important skill for us to have as PTs, and I certainly feel I developed these skills through teaching new exercises, 解释护理计划, 了解我的病人对护理的反应,她说.

凯利Boonie, 也是2022年毕业,在菲耶索尔工作, added that even the logistics of the appointments gave her a new perspective.

“It was very different from what I was used to at previous clinics in the US, 我们每天平均接待15到20个病人, 每小时两个病人, 45分钟,”她说。. “在意大利, 我们会在早上同一时间看5-10个病人, 但是在几个小时内, 下午也一样.”

Each student works 1:1 with a physical therapist, who serves as their mentor. 所有的临床导师都说英语, and help students with translation as needed to assure adequate communication with each patient.

本主动帮助沟通语言差异, jotting down common Italian words and terms used in physical therapy, which he then developed into his final project: a handbook to help future students. "I thought that since I was already making it for myself why not share it for others," he said. "My hope is that it cuts down the learning curve that they have with their patients, 他们可以最大限度地利用时间."

画Coisson, a 2023 graduate of the DPT program who completed his rotation in Lugano, 瑞士, emphasized how rewarding it was to learn and bridge cultural differences.

“尽管这些对话都是基本的, by the end of the rotation I was able to do a few treatments speaking entirely in Italian,德鲁说. 尽管最初存在障碍, 我发现了相互尊重, 耐心, and a willingness to learn facilitated meaningful interactions with both patients and colleagues.”

Image if 画Coisson exploring the mountains in Grindelwald during his free time in 瑞士.
画Coisson exploring the mountains in Grindelwald during his free time in 瑞士. 画Coisson DPT '23拍摄.

他们的期末项目, Kelly and Mary created a guide of what to know and expect for future students doing clinical rotations abroad.

“It was actually nice to look back on how much we had learned,” said Kelly. “It was hard at first but there was much more maturing and independence and learning to be an adult than I thought there would be before going.” 

Students are paired with another student to share costs and typically have clinic hours Monday to Friday, 让周末自由探索. 

感兴趣的学生可以与 Dr. 法曼 to discuss their goals and expectations for an international experience. The application process begins in their second year for a placement in their third academic year.

“如果没有这段经历,我就不会成为今天的PT, 我很感激有这个机会,玛丽说。. 

These international rotations not only provide students with unique clinical experiences but also offer opportunities for important cultural exchange. 许多学生都与全球教育集团的同学建立了联系, exploring 意大利 and beyond every weekend—an opportunity of a lifetime.
